Dialogue on Democracy, Human Rights and Big Power Competition

On December 9 and 10, U.S. President Joe Biden will host a virtual “Summit for Democracy” with more than 100 selected guests to strengthen democracy and counter authoritarianism, fight corruption, and promote respect for human rights. The guests list for the Summit, however, does not present a neat cut as its name implies. Notably, Singapore, US most trusted friend in ASEAN, is not in the list while the DRC is included.

It is no secret that the United States seeks to build a global coalition to counter China’s increasing influence. The list of countries invited, in fact, reflects more of America’s geopolitical interests than its democratic principles.

Will the Summit for Democracy strengthen US global leadership as the anchor and champion of democracy, or will it instead expose America’s hypocrisy? Will the Summit strengthen democracy or result in a more divisive world and unnecessarily worsen the already tense relationships with China and Russia?

Meanwhile, UK lawyer Sir Geoffrey Nice QC will deliver the Uyghur Tribunal’s judgment on December 9. Is this a mere coincidence or a well-coordinated and concerted effort of the West to disrupt and contain the rise of China?

The Dialogue on Democracy, Human Rights and Big Power Competition will provide a platform for think tanks and scholars to deliberate and share their views and insights on the issues highlighted above. A panel of scholars from Italy, Portugal, Russia, Sri Lanka, China and Malaysia will participate in the Dialogue.

Co-organised by the Centre for New Inclusive Asia and Global Governance Institution, China, the Dialogue consists of two sessions. The first session will look at the strategic issues of the Summit for Democracy, and what the regional countries make of the Summit between China and the Unites States. The second session will make a case study of human rights in Xinjiang in connection with the judgement of the Uyghur Tribunal from a legalistic perspective.

Dialogue on Democracy – Agenda
Dialogue on Democracy – Profile of Speakers

For those who missed the Dialogue on Democracy, Human Rights and Big Power Competition, the video recording of the event is available here.


12 December 2021


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Online Via Zoom
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